Beschluss: Cambridge K1

Version: "Client Brief Survey"

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Client Brief Survey

The existing trees on the site have a value but should not dictate the overall scheme.

The site should be designed to provide wind and noise breaks. i.e. minimise noise and provide shelter.

Approaches to buildings and areas between buildings to be lit sensitively to provide a sense of safety.

Using the excavation spoil from the site to form hills for free range playing is a good use of resources and will make for a more interesting common space.

Covered streets are something that should be explored further. (Spaces between dwellings)

There should be some wild spaces on the site. (Less managed space that could be for kids and other wildlife.)

Dwellings should have some form of private outdoor space primarily accessible through the house. (i.e. garden, yard, roof garden)

It is important to have an outdoor communal space to be able to gather socially, cook and eat food.

A space for sitting out in poor weather should be provided within the shared space. (Sitooterie)

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